React Native SDK Usage
Banner&MREC Ads
Once the initialization of the SDK is complete, you can get and load banner and mrec ads from the Empower AppLovin SDK.
Loading a Banner or MREC
import { BannerAd, AdViewPosition } from 'react-native-applovin-max';const BANNER_AD_UNIT_ID ={android: '«android-ad-unit-ID»',ios: '«ios-ad-unit-ID»',});function initializeBannerAds(){// Banners are automatically sized to 320x50 on phones and 728x90 on tablets// You may use the utility method `AppLovinMAX.isTablet()` to help with view sizing adjustmentsBannerAd.createAd(BANNER_AD_UNIT_ID, AdViewPosition.BOTTOM_CENTER);// Set background or background color for banners to be fully functional// In this case we are setting it to black - PLEASE USE HEX STRINGS ONLYBannerAd.setBackgroundColor(BANNER_AD_UNIT_ID, '#000000');}
import { MRecAd, AdViewPosition } from 'react-native-applovin-max';const MREC_AD_UNIT_ID ={android: '«android-ad-unit-ID»',ios: '«ios-ad-unit-ID»',});function initializeMRecAds(){// MRECs are sized to 300x250 on phones and tabletsMRecAd.createAd(MREC_AD_UNIT_ID, AdViewPosition.CENTERED);}
Displaying a Banner
To show a banner, call showBanner()
To hide a banner, call hideBanner()
Native UI Component Method
You can also render banners and MRECs directly in your DOM as native UI components, as in the following example:
import { AdView, AdFormat } from 'react-native-applovin-max';<AdView adUnitId={ad-unit-ID}adFormat={AdFormat.BANNER}style={styles.banner}onAdLoaded={(adInfo: AdInfo) => {console.log('Banner ad loaded from ' + adInfo.networkName);}}onAdLoadFailed={(errorInfo: AdLoadFailedInfo) => {console.log('Banner ad failed to load with error code ' + errorInfo.code + ' and message: ' + errorInfo.message);}}onAdClicked={(adInfo: AdInfo) => {console.log('Banner ad clicked');}}onAdExpanded={(adInfo: AdInfo) => {console.log('Banner ad expanded')}}onAdCollapsed={(adInfo: AdInfo) => {console.log('Banner ad collapsed')}}onAdRevenuePaid={(adInfo: AdRevenueInfo) => {console.log('Banner ad revenue paid: ' + adInfo.revenue);}}/⋮// This example anchors the bottom of the banner to the bottom of the screenconst styles = StyleSheet.create({banner: {// Set background color for banners to be fully functionalbackgroundColor: '#000000',position: 'absolute',width: '100%',height: 'auto', // Defined by AdView per type of AdView and devicebottom:{ios: 36, // For bottom safe areaandroid: 0,})}});
import { AdView, AdFormat } from 'react-native-applovin-max';<AdView adUnitId={ad-unit-ID}adFormat={AdFormat.MREC}style={styles.mrec}onAdLoaded={(adInfo: AdInfo) => {console.log('MREC ad loaded from ' + adInfo.networkName);}}onAdLoadFailed={(errorInfo: AdLoadFailedInfo) => {console.log('MREC ad failed to load with error code ' + errorInfo.code + ' and message: ' + errorInfo.message);}}onAdClicked={(adInfo: AdInfo) => {console.log('MREC ad clicked');}}onAdExpanded={(adInfo: AdInfo) => {console.log('MREC ad expanded')}}onAdCollapsed={(adInfo: AdInfo) => {console.log('MREC ad collapsed')}}onAdRevenuePaid={(adInfo: AdRevenueInfo) => {console.log('MREC ad revenue paid: ' + adInfo.revenue);}}/>
App Open Ads
import AppLovinMAX, { AppOpenAd } from 'react-native-applovin-max';const App = () => {const appState = useRef(AppState.currentState);useEffect(() = {AppLovinMAX.initialize(«SDK-key», (conf: Configuration) => {AppOpenAd.addAdLoadedEventListener((adInfo: AdInfo) => {console.log('AppOpen ad loaded from ' + adInfo.networkName);});AppOpenAd.addAdLoadFailedEventListener((errorInfo: AdLoadFailedInfo) => {console.log('AppOpen ad failed to load with code ' + errorInfo.code);});AppOpenAd.addAdFailedToDisplayEventListener((adInfo: AdDisplayFailedInfo) => {AppOpenAd.loadAd(«ad-unit-ID»);});AppOpenAd.addAdHiddenEventListener((adInfo: AdInfo) => {AppOpenAd.loadAd(«ad-unit-ID»);});AppOpenAd.loadAd(«ad-unit-ID»);});AppState.addEventListener("change", nextAppState => {if (appState.current.match(/inactive|background/) && nextAppState === "active") {showAdIfReady();}appState.current = nextAppState;});}, []);const showAdIfReady = async () => {const isAppOpenAdReady = await AppOpenAd.isAdReady(«app_open_ad_unit_ID»);if (isAppOpenAdReady) {AppOpenAd.showAd(«ad-unit-ID»);} else {AppOpenAd.loadAd(«ad-unit-ID»);}}⋮}
Interstitial Ads
Load an Interstitial Ad
import { InterstitialAd } from 'react-native-applovin-max';const INTERSTITIAL_AD_UNIT_ID ={android: '«android-ad-unit-ID»',ios: '«ios-ad-unit-ID»',});const MAX_EXPONENTIAL_RETRY_COUNT = 6;const retryAttempt = useRef(0);const initializeInterstitialAds = () => {InterstitialAd.addAdLoadedEventListener((adInfo: AdInfo) => {// Interstitial ad is ready to show. InterstitialAd.isReady(INTERSTITIAL_AD_UNIT_ID) now returns 'true'// Reset retry attemptretryAttempt.current = 0;});InterstitialAd.addAdLoadFailedEventListener((errorInfo: AdLoadFailedInfo) => {// Interstitial ad failed to load// AppLovin recommends that you retry with exponentially higher delays up to a maximum delay (in this case 64 seconds)retryAttempt.current += 1;if (retryAttempt.current > MAX_EXPONENTIAL_RETRY_COUNT) return;const retryDelay = Math.pow(2, Math.min(MAX_EXPONENTIAL_RETRY_COUNT, retryAttempt.current));console.log('Interstitial ad failed to load - retrying in ' + retryDelay + 's');setTimeout(function() {loadInterstitial();}, retryDelay * 1000);});InterstitialAd.addAdClickedEventListener((adInfo: AdInfo) => { ... });InterstitialAd.addAdDisplayedEventListener((adInfo: AdInfo) => { ... });InterstitialAd.addAdFailedToDisplayEventListener((adInfo: AdDisplayFailedInfo) = {// Interstitial ad failed to display. AppLovin recommends that you load the next adloadInterstitial();});InterstitialAd.addAdHiddenEventListener((adInfo: AdInfo) => {loadInterstitial();});// Load the first interstitialloadInterstitial();}const loadInterstitial = () => {InterstitialAd.loadAd(INTERSTITIAL_AD_UNIT_ID);}
Showing an Interstitial Ad
const isInterstitialReady = await InterstitialAd.isAdReady(«ad-unit-ID»);if (isInterstitialReady) {InterstitialAd.showAd(«ad-unit-ID»);}
Rewarded Ads
Load a Rewarded Ad
import { RewardedAd } from 'react-native-applovin-max';const REWARDED_AD_UNIT_ID ={android: '«android-ad-unit-ID»',ios: '«ios-ad-unit-ID»',});const MAX_EXPONENTIAL_RETRY_COUNT = 6;const retryAttempt = useRef(0);const initializeRewardedAds = () => {RewardedAd.addAdLoadedEventListener((adInfo: AdInfo) => {// Rewarded ad is ready to show. AppLovinMAX.isInterstitialReady(REWARDED_AD_UNIT_ID) now returns 'true'// Reset retry attemptretryAttempt.current = 0;});RewardedAd.addAdLoadFailedEventListener((errorInfo: AdLoadFailedInfo) => {// Rewarded ad failed to load// AppLovin recommends that you retry with exponentially higher delays up to a maximum delay (in this case 64 seconds)retryAttempt.current += 1;if (retryAttempt.current > MAX_EXPONENTIAL_RETRY_COUNT) return;const retryDelay = Math.pow(2, Math.min(MAX_EXPONENTIAL_RETRY_COUNT, retryAttempt.current));console.log('Rewarded ad failed to load - retrying in ' + retryDelay + 's');setTimeout(() => {loadRewardedAd();}, retryDelay * 1000);});RewardedAd.addAdClickedEventListener((adInfo: AdInfo) => { ... });RewardedAd.addAdDisplayedEventListener((adInfo: AdInfo) => { ... });RewardedAd.addAdFailedToDisplayEventListener((adInfo: AdDisplayFailedInfo) => {// Rewarded ad failed to display. AppLovin recommends that you load the next adloadRewardedAd();});RewardedAd.addAdHiddenEventListener((adInfo: AdInfo) => {loadRewardedAd();});RewardedAd.addAdReceivedRewardEventListener((adInfo: AdRewardInfo) => {// Rewarded ad displayed and user should receive the reward});// Load the first rewarded adloadRewardedAd();}const loadRewardedAd = () => {RewardedAd.loadAd(REWARDED_AD_UNIT_ID);}
Showing a Rewarded Ad
const isRewardedAdReady = await RewardedAd.isAdReady(«ad-unit-ID»);if (isRewardedAdReady) {RewardedAd.showAd(«ad-unit-ID»);}