iOS SDK Usage

Important: When building and testing your apps, make sure you use test ads rather than production ads. Failure to do so can lead to suspension of your account. Please see the Optional Parameters section for more info on toggling the test ads.

Banner Ads

Once the initialization of the SDK is complete, you can get and load banner ads from the EMAManager.shared by using the following method:

Important Note: We highly recoment extending EMAViewController of the SDK for managing lifecycle of the banner.

viewController: ViewController of the banner that will be displayed.

zoneId: Banner id that will be loaded in the view.

bannerContainer: UIView that banner ad is loaded.

Optional(adStatusDelegate) self : AdStatus callback for the status of banner.

customParameters(Optional): You can pass custom key-value pairs to target Google Ad Manager campaigns.

keywords(Optional): If you are using keywords for targeting, send your parameters as string value.

EMAManager.shared.loadBannerAd(viewController, zoneId, bannerContainer)

If you set AdStatusDelegate, once loadBannerAd method is called, one of these three will happen:

  • bannerStatusChanged will be called with status of bannerManager set to AdStatus.ready.
  • bannerStatusChanged will be called with status of bannerManager set to AdStatus.failed.
  • If ads are disabled or the user is in an unfinished ad session, then loadBannerAd call will be ignored and nothing will happen.

As AdStatusDelegate, you should listen to the bannerStatusChanged events and display the ad based on its status.

func bannerStatusChanged(_ manager: DFPBannerManager) {
if manager.status == .ready {

Full Example:

class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var bannerContainer: UIView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
EMAManager.shared.loadBannerAd(self, "153468", bannerContainer)

Interstitial Ads

Load Interstitial


Show Interstitial ad


By setting InterstitialDisplayManager's delegate you can listen to the status events of interstitial ads. These events are:

  • AdStatus.ready interstitial is ready for display.
  • AdStatus.failed interstitial is failed to load an ad.
  • AdStatus.present interstitial is displayed and is on screen.
  • AdStatus.willLeave interstitial is redirecting user either to a URL or to App Store.
  • AdStatus.used interstitial is dismissed and needs reloading for another display.

Rewarded Ads

Rewarded ads are the ads where users have the option of interacting with in exchange for in-app rewards.

Load Rewarded Ad


Show Rewarded Ad


By setting RewardedAdDisplayManager's delegate you can listen to the status events of rewarded ads. These events are:

  • AdStatus.ready rewarded ad is ready for display.
  • AdStatus.failed rewarded ad is either failed to play or failed to load.
  • AdStatus.used rewarded ad is being used.
  • AdStatus.present rewarded ad is present on the screen.
  • AdStatus.reward user earns the reward.